Egg Donation Phases

The egg donation process consists of several phases:

1. Screening

Once you are selected for the program, the medical preparation of egg donation will start. You may be required to make about 5-6 medical visits to the clinic during all the egg donation phases. You will undergo a fertility evaluation to verify the capacity of your ovaries to produce eggs. This consists of a physical examination and pelvic ultrasound. A more extensive physical exam, blood tests, and cultures will also be performed once our physician has verified your ability to produce healthy eggs.

All prospective donors at New Life Egg Donor Agency undergo thorough physical and psychological evaluation in order to protect their health and that of any future biological offspring. New Life Egg Donation Agency will be providing all screening and medical procedures required. Donors will be tested for the following:

Egg Donation Phases
  • CBC/hb- Complete blood count/hemoglobin.
  • Blood group and Rhesus – In case blood emergency transfusion is required.
  • HIV -Human immunodeficiency virus
  • HbsAg -Hepatitis B
  • VDRL- Syphillis
  • HCV- Hepatitis C
  • FSH (CD2-4) follicle stimulating hormone – tests for ovarian reserve ( must be measured on day 2-4 of menses)
  • LH (CD2-4)- Luteinizing hormone ( Must be measured on day 2-4 of menses )
  • AMH – Anti Mullerian Hormone.
  • Estradiol Level – done on day 2nd or 3rd of monthly cycle.
  • TSH – Thyroid stimulating hormone/thyroid function test
  • Prolactin- Measures the level of hormone prolactin produced by the pituitary gland (blood test done within three hours of waking). High levels can indicate infertility.Pelvic ultrasound for antral follicle count (day 3-5 of menses )
  • Vaginal swab tests for Chlamydia to rule out any infection that may flare up during or after retrieval.
  • Herpes Virus.
  • Cytomegalovirus.

You will be asked to complete a detailed medical history to identify any genetic abnormalities or diseases. You will be disqualified if you exhibit risk factors for infections or genetic disorders that could affect eggs. Please be advised that you should inform the physicians about any menstrual abnormalities or hormonal imbalances. Women with a history of psychiatric medication use, depression, counseling, sexual abuse, social introversion, or miscarriage are not eligible for the program.

Please be informed that your medical and personal information will be kept confidential at New Life Egg Donor Agency and shared with intended parents only.

2. Stopping Your Normal Cycle

Prior to beginning the drug regimen, you will be asked to take birth control pills in order to regulate your menstrual cycles and to synchronize it with the recipient and control your response to fertility drugs. Your next menstrual period will usually become the staring date of the donor cycle. You will be given exact instructions and all the necessary information by the doctor on when and how to take the medications.

3. Stimulating Egg Production

You will be asked to receive a series of hormonal drugs which cause the ovaries to produce multiple mature eggs during one menstrual cycle. Fertility drugs are similar to the hormones but at higher doses. Treatment will start on a particular day of your cycle and will continue for about 10- 14 days. There are usually three classes of drugs received for this purpose:

Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist Analogues – suppressing the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) by the pituitary gland, which normally triggers eggs to mature within the body. These drugs are usually administered through daily subcutaneous injections over the span of the stimulation cycle. Commercial forms of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist Analogues are: Buserelin/Suprefact, Lupron, Goserelin/Zoladex , Nafarelin , Triptorelin , Synarel , Prostap.

Follicle Stimulating Hormone or Human Menopausal Gonadotropin – encouraging the development of multiple egg follicles. You are required to abstain from sexual intercourse at this point, since the fertility is elevated. While you will be taking these medications, our physician will periodically measure for the maturation of eggs through pelvic ultrasounds and blood tests. Dosage levels of FSH or hMG is usually adjusted to minimize side effects and optimize the number of eggs available for IVF. Commerical forms of FSH or hMG are: Gonal/f, Pergonol , Humegon , Menagon , Urofollitropin/Metrodin, Clomid tablets.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin – triggering ovulation through a single injection. This drug is injected after tests indicate that eggs have matured. Egg retrieval occurs 34-36 hours after this injection. Commercial forms of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin are: Pregnyl, APL, Oxidrel

4. Egg Retrieval

This phase involves egg retrieval where mature eggs are removed from the donor through 15 minute surgical procedure called transvaginal ultrasound aspiration that is performed under sedation. You will be asked to remain in the clinic for 1-2 hours. On the day of retrieval you will need a companion to accompany you to the fertility center and to drive you home. You will be prescribed an antibiotic to prevent infection. Removed eggs will be mixed with sperm in the laboratory to create embryos which then will be transferred to the recipient.