Traveling Egg Donors Preparation


Parents who select to take help of egg donors have to get in touch with destination egg donors to execute the process economically. The vast procedure of IVF includes various fertility options. The couples have to determine which variation to undergo after going through a series of medical tests. Surrogacy is the later part that is followed by successful embryo development. The intended parents undergo fertility tests to detect the reasons of infertility and undergo medications based on the tests results. In some cases, the parents fail to provide with high-quality eggs even after prolonged fertility medication. In such cases, it is advised to go for egg donations that give them the best quality eggs.

Once parents decide on egg donation, they should select the egg donors. After having final and most wanted candidate selected egg donors undergo full screening during the day two and day three of their menstrual days. This screening determines their eligibility for the egg donation program. The medical screening performed on the potential egg donors consists of an entire set of hormone and infection test, followed by blood tests and antral follicle count. A desiring egg donor should have a good number of antral follicles to be accepted in the program.

The main indicators of being a good egg donor are:

  1. High level of Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH)
  2. Good number of Antral Follicles
  3. Normal range of other hormonal tests
  4. No Ovarian cysts

The consulting doctor carefully evaluates the performance of each selected egg donor. The local fertility expert, along with the donor’s medical consultant coordinates the various detection tests. The donor has to go through a lot of hormone tests, where she is been given external hormones. Hence, it is equally important for her medical consultant to be a part of the procedure so that she remains safe from any medical reaction. Certain hormones can cause reactions, in case they do not adjust with the body. The egg donor’s doctor can well coordinate with these hormone tests and, hence, are allowed to work with the center obstetricians.

Once the two doctors agree on the eligibility of the egg donor on the basis of her screening test, she is given contraceptives from day 3 of her menstruation. This regulates her menstruation and synchronizes the dates with the recipient. The egg donor’s next menstrual period is considered as the starting date of the program cycle.

The donor is kept on active contraceptives for 2 to 3 weeks prior to her stimulation initiation. After the last pill is given to the donor, she is made to wait for her menstrual cycle to arrive. As the dates arrive, ultrasound screening is performed along with other hormonal tests on day 2 or day 3 of her cycle. The doctor prescribes a necessary dosage of hormonal medications necessary to ensure that the donor produces multiple mature eggs in one cycle. These medications add to the quality of the eggs. Every woman produces eggs on a monthly basis. When she takes the initiative to serve as an egg donor, she is made to undergo hormonal injections, which enhances the quality of the eggs.

Indented parents, spending for the egg donation process, would definitely want to get the best quality eggs. Hence, the egg donors go through the medication process to produce multiple high-quality eggs.

Once the screening test and stimulation protocols are over, the test results are sent to the medical team to obtain their advice and opinion on it. The donor’s check-up is scheduled on the day 5 and day 8 of stimulation. Both side doctors carefully observe the progress of the donor on the stage of stimulation and determine the success of the procedure.

Donor and their companions are departed on day 9 from the local country to the destination clinic on day 10 of the stimulation process.

Destination clinic again verifies the progress of the donor on the day 10 of stimulation and accordingly determines the next stimulation protocol. The egg donor either continues with stimulation for a few more days before the prescribed trigger is shot through a single injection at a definite time. The drug injected after the medical tests indicate the maturity of the eggs and signals the process of egg retrieval that occurs 34 to 36 hours after the injection.

The retrieval process is carried out and the mature eggs are removed from the donor. It takes a 15-minute surgical procedure to be performed called as transvaginal  aspiration. The procedure is executed under sedation. The egg Donors have to remain in the clinic for a maximum time of 1 to 2 hours. She should be accompanied by her people to the clinic during her egg retrieval process to ensure that she is driven back home safely. Once the egg retrieval procedure is over, the egg donor is given antibiotics to prevent the occurrence of any infection. The eggs removed from the donor are fertilized with the sperm in the laboratory to form embryos. The embryo formed out of the fertilization is transferred to the recipient.

The egg donation agencies send chaperon with the donor to the destination country to take care of her and monitor the whole process. The chaperon remains in close touch with the agency coordinators and sends regular updates on the procedures executed in the destination country.

The egg donation agency makes sure that all processes are transparent and are smoothly coordinated between all the parties involved in the procedure to get the best possible results.

This is one great advantage for the intended parents to go for such an egg donation agency. They can save on the procedure of egg production and retrieval as the entire responsibility is on the donor agency. They monitor the egg donation procedure at the local center and only sends the donor to the destination country after she is ready for the next session of medical screening. The agency halts the travel if the donor is not ready to produce quality eggs even after the hormonal injections or other medications. Thus, the intended couples are saved from the expenses of repeated failures of egg retrieval. The agency ensures high-quality egg retrieval at their own responsibility, and only then the donor is sent to the intended parent’s destination.

This has become a prevalent practice in the field of IVF and surrogacy due to the economic advantages of the procedure mostly. It also saves time from repeated failures of high-quality egg production and, hence, is largely liked by intended parents all over the world.